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take a hit

美 [teɪk ə hɪt]英 [teɪk ə hɪt]
  • 网络受到打击;受到影响
take a hittake a hit


inhale through the nose
Synonym: snort


  1. Luo said that elderly people will be able to file a lawsuit to make their children visit them and people who fail to carry out the court-ordered visits will see their credit rating take a hit .


  2. Did he take a hit on his head recently ?


  3. What 's gonna happen to us if you take a hit ?


  4. Other parts of Google 's business in China also look set to take a hit .


  5. Donated legal hours take a hit at big law


  6. Charles , you are going to take a hit on this .


  7. Second , creditors need to take a hit , and debtors adjust .


  8. Baidu , however , can afford to take a hit to expand into mobile .


  9. When graduate school entrance exam scores are released every year at this time , many romantic relationships take a hit .


  10. Until we get more supply or demand starts to take a hit , there is no reason we can 't see any number .


  11. I had learned again that I could take a hit and that there 's more than one way to stand against aggression .


  12. At the crux of the debate is the issue of whether senior unsecured creditors take a hit .


  13. Given the popularity , convenience , and cost savings of free services , it seems inevitable text messaging should take a hit .


  14. It should also instruct the frob not to inject capital before shareholders and creditors take a hit .


  15. Maybe you 're committed to continuing to spend on value creating projects , even if reported profits take a hit & that 's great .


  16. From newspaper , magazine , broadcast , TV , outdoor media to portal website and social media platform , traditional media take a hit from internet .


  17. If folks can 't pay their bills or buy the basics , like food and clothes , local businesses take a hit and hire fewer workers .


  18. We realise the industry will take a hit , explains D.G. Shah of the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance , which represents big generic companies .


  19. Maybe that 's what happens when our egos take a hit in midlife and we realize we 're not so young and golden anymore .


  20. Even if your career didn 't take a hit , the tumult of the last few months may have you quaking in your boots over the future .


  21. If folks cannot pay their bills or buy the basics , like food and clothes , local businesses take a hit and hire fewer workers , " said Obama .


  22. Someone investing in emerging markets today must understand that their investment could take a hit in the short term – but in the long term , the headwinds look more favourable .


  23. The result was a 3.7 % decline in global same-restaurant sales in August , along with a warning to Wall Street that McDonald 's gross profit rate would take a hit .


  24. The company 's quarterly earnings , to be released tomorrow , may take a hit due to a devalued Belarussian ruble , according to advance analysts'reports .


  25. In other words , either US households or companies have to take a hit equivalent to 7 per cent of gross domestic product over the next four years , according to budget forecasts .


  26. If we experience a massive advertising pullback , for example , then Facebook could take a hit in its largest revenue pot ( or at least a growth slowdown ) .


  27. Cost versus innovation " We realise the industry will take a hit , " explains D.G. Shah of the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance , which represents big generic companies .


  28. The e-commerce giant appears willing to take a hit on profit so it can get as many Kindle Fires into customers'hands as possible and hook them onto its myriad online services .


  29. At the crux of the debate is the issue of whether senior unsecured creditors take a hit A mother 's love is synonymous with care , protection , and nurturing .


  30. If the oil price continues to tick down , confidence will take a hit in Russia , said Carol Thomas , central and eastern Europe sales analyst with consultancy JD Power & Associates .
